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Ethics and Current Events

Sample Lesson Focus Question: 

Should Animals Be Considered Persons and/or Should Animals Have Rights?


Find and prepare a selection of news stories about the issue from multiple perspectives.

Create a focus question for students




Come to a general or agreed upon definition of the issue or question.

Students write brief answers to the guiding question BEFORE reading or class discussion.


The Readings

Whole class, groups, jigsaw, homework, silent - it's up to you. Students look for information that supports their opinion or changes their minds.


The Discussion

You can have a debate, a socratic seminar, a class discussion to hear differing points of view with evidence.


Second Write:

Students write a more reflective and thoughtful answer after what they have read, learned and explored.. 


How do you want to learn?   

  • in class with your students

  • in a teacher workshop

  • through online training and coaching?


Our training includes general and personalized curation lessons and reading packets. 


idea driven education
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